How to Connect Your Email

How to Connect Your Email

What you can do: Send emails from Pulse360 using your email

When you connect your email with Pulse360, it will send emails using your email address. These emails will sit in your Inbox.

How: Step-by-step directions on how to do that:

1. Navigate to "Setup" > "Essential tasks" > "Connect to your email account" and press "Connect your email."

2. Log into your email account and verify your email, allowing Pulse360 to send emails on your behalf.

3. Send a test message by clicking "Send Test Message" to ensure that your email has been successfully connected.

An email will be sent to the linked address. Verify it by checking your inbox and your sent folder.

All sent documents from the Pulse360 app will also be reflected in the sent folder.


  1. All emails you send from Pulse360 will sit in your email Sent Folder.
  2. If email authentication doesn't work, please reach out to us at

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