How to Create and Edit a Document Template

How to Create and Edit a Document Template

What you can do: Create Templates

How: Step by step directions on how to do that:

To build out a template:

1. Navigate to "Templates" on the side menu > "Create Template."

2. Name the new template, select a category, and, if you wish, mark it as default.

You can have two total default templates for Summary and for Agenda. When you go to create a document, your default template will be selected, depending on the document type.

3. Add blocks at your discretion. If you do not see a block that you would like to use, you can create it. These blocks are reusable, so you can add them to different document templates.

Please view this page for more information on creating blocks.

4. If you want to edit the document, you can add and delete blocks, move them around by dragging, or edit them.

If you modify the block, all document templates that use it will reflect the changes once you save. Before saving, you can see which templates use the block.

However, if you click on "Save as New," it will save the block as a new one that can be used later without affecting the original block.

5. You can adjust the margins of the document for each template by clicking on "Template Settings" and then "PDF" — if you intend to print the document.

6. Here is an example document created with this template.


  1. Each document template consists of blocks. These blocks are reusable, so you can add them to different document templates.
  2. Any changes you make to the block will be reflected on all document templates the block exists on unless it's saved as a new copy.
  3. You can adjust the margins of the document for each template — if you intend to print the document.
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