How to Take Notes on a Document Template in the In-Meeting Notes

How to Take Notes on a Document Template in the In-Meeting Notes

What you can do: Work on Agenda During the Meeting

Once you have prepared an agenda for a meeting, you can import that directly into the In-Meeting Note area. This allows you to better take notes during the meeting. After the meeting ends, you can create an email, task, or trigger a workflow by highlighting the text. 

How: Step by step directions on how to do that:

1. Navigate to the Workspace > Select a Contact > Navigate to the meeting you need to make in-meeting notes for.

2. Press the "Add In-Meeting Notes" button.

3. To work on your agenda, upload the template to In-Meeting Notes by pressing the "Add Template" button at the bottom right. The notes will be automatically pulled in.

NOTE: If no notes have been added to the contact, they will not appear. First, you must prepare an agenda. 

4. Once the template is added, you can start adding in-meeting notes wherever you wish.

5. Once the meeting is over, you can immediately prepare a summary using the In-meeting notes. Simply highlight the text and press the "Create New Note" button. Adjust the note parameters (topic, task, tag, etc.) and add them.

6. You can apply multiple templates in the In-meeting notes area. Simply repeat step 3 and press, "Add this template below the current note."

Or replace the one you already have with another. This will remove all the existing notes in the In-Meeting Notes area with this template. 

7. You can save the In-Meeting notes in Pulse360, sync them over to your CRM, or print them out.

Saved in Pulse360, the note will sit as a red dot on the In-Meeting Notes button. 

In your CRM, your notes will appear as below. In this example, we are using Redtail, but it will also sync over to Wealthbox and Salesforce.  


  1. If you have an iPadOS14 that supports Apple Pencil, you can use it and Scribble to enter text. Scribble converts your handwriting to text.
  2. On latest iPad models (12 and later), In-Meeting Notes also support speech recognition.
  3. In-Meeting Notes autosave every 5 mins.

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