How to Display All Template Content in the Document

How to Display All Template Content in the Document

What you can do: Always display block content in the final document

In Pulse360, we use the concept of "if this, then that" blocks. It means if there are notes on the Workspace that fit topic merge fields in the block in the template, then this block will show up in the final document. If there are no relevant notes, the whole block will not appear.

Look at the image below as an example. On the document template, there is a "Client To-Do" block, which is basically a client to-do list:

On the Meetings, the notes are not marked as Client To-Do, so the "Client To-Do" block is not in the final document:

If you mark at least one note as Client To-Do, this block will appear:

You can choose to always display block content in the final document.

How to: Always display content in blocks

When creating a new template:

When creating a new template, a modal will appear next to "Always Display Content in Blocks," switch the toggle to "Yes." Press "Create. "

When you use this template to create a document, all content will be visible in the final document.


  1. How to Add and Edit Blocks
  2. Merge Fields in Document Templates: Overview

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